Chankuah – light prevailing over the darkness of Christmas – Maccabee
- November 20, 2012
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Uncategorized
Chanukah is the season when the Jews had to fight against the evil leadership of the Assyrians-Greeks in the year 164 BCE, (before the death of Jesus Christ).
During this season the Jews (Maccabee family from the tribe of Judah) defended and fought for the spiritual rights of their temple and nation (Israel), liberating it from the occupation of the Greeks.
After winning the battle, they decided to rededicate their temple in Jerusalem.
The word Chanukah means; to rededicate. (fighting or purifing one’s self from the darkness which occurs in winter time or Christmas celebration).
The rededication was a process of cleansing, and purifying the temple from the unclean idols and unclean things that the Greeks had brought in to the temple.
After they had done all the cleansing, they then completed the event by lighting the menorah which was lit using a small bottle of oil that could only sustain the menorah light for one day.
but God did a miracle and the light of the menorah was able to shine for eight complete days.
This event took place around this month of December which falls on the 25th in the month of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar.
The Zodiac sign of this hebrew month called Kislev when Chanukah is celebrated is known as Sagittarius.
Article written by Conscious lifestyle