Pentecost – twins or two people in agreement:
- June 7, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Internet system New moon/full moon
Pentecost brings forth the fruit of unity and oneness.
Acts 2:1-3
Coming of the Holy Spirit:
2 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3 Then there appeared to them [b]divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
Where agreement is, there is also trust.
(trusting each others strength, and fining positive solutions, to overcome weaknesses, solve problems, and barter exchange skills to achieve & fulfil collective goals).
Amos 3:3:
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Matthew 18:20:
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
But where agreement is lacking, there division, distrust, divorce, self seeking, political groupings of oppositions,
and divide & rule becomes the reality through which people are controlled, divided and ruled.
IF two people who are married or those who work as a team, lack the attribute of agreeing towards a collective goal or vision,
This type of psychological state in their mindset becomes a law of attraction which attracts other type of contradictive energies and influences, whose aim is to divide and conquer.
In an environment where there is no agreement, there is no trust,
– If trust is lacking in a relationship, that is when other decieving options, opinions and deceptive ideas gains their influence to sabotage or divide a relationship.
What brings about the fear of trusting in a person?
Things that make people to loose trust are catigolized in two catigeries:
1:Some one’s negative or immoral habits can make his partner or spouse to stop trusting that person.
2: The negative incidents of gossip, racism, negative form of entertainment, extreme feminism and the system of divide and rule in politics, can easily generate the negative type of mistrust among people in a society.
People can only share their deep “into me see” (intamacy), when they feel that they trust their companion and his social status in a society.
People’s trust designed according to social groupings:
There are people in a relationship who can afford to trust their spouse, colleague or partner who is in a good social status with the system, club or group.
But when some kind of social propaganda, peer pressure, political instability among political parties, loosing of a job, one’s business going into bankrupts, racism, poverty, Antisemitism or prejudice raises against their partner,
then all oversudden they stop trusting their spouse because he has become a victim (less of previlaged citizine) in the system.
Example to compare with:
It’s liken unto an injured animal, when it becomes rejected, pushed a way and hated by the others in the flock because of it’s injuries.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo.