21st to 25th of december
Who was Sidon?
Sidon was the first born of Canaan as it is written in Genesis 10:15, and the people that derived from Sidon were known as the Sidonians. Read more…
Ishtar or Easteroth, goddess of sexual immorality
Ashtoreth is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a goddess, the principal goddess of the Sidonians…Read more…
The doubt means – Lack of trust, to loose confidence, to be in a state where one doesn’t believe, to disagree, to loose faith. Having negative thoughts which stops a person from believing, or acting towards what he or she has heard. In Hebrew the state of doubting derives from the word called Amalek – […]
Incarnation – What is the meaning of the word Incarnation?
Incarnation literally means embodied in flesh or taking on flesh…Read more
Drug – What is a drug?
A drug is a substance designed by the western pharmaceutical industry, which is approved to be used as medicine.
an illegal and often harmful substance (such as heroin, cocaine, LSD, or marijuana) Read more
Role model – who is a role model?
A person who plays the role of modeling or being a positive example to others.
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Obadiah 1:6-19 God’s prophecy against Edom being Esau
Obadiah 1:6-19 Edom or Esau shall be punished for his evil deeds against Jacob Read more
The Messianic Era began 2012 in the month of December:
The Messianic Age is a theological term referring to a future time of universal peace and brotherhood on the earth, without crime, war and poverty. Read more
Who is Moshiac?
Immoral or immoral behaviors <immorality>
That which is the opposite of moral values…The state of promoting bad manners.
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