Spiritual & Psychological part of the Business plan: The five questions 1: What? 2: Why? 3: Who? 4: How? 5: Where? Physical part or physical expression of the Business plan: 1: Vision 2: Mission 3: Objectives or Goals 4: Financial plan 5: Organization plan
What is vocational skills? Vocational skills, Jake explains, are practical or firsthand skills that help a person to master a trade, to master his/her ability to exchange in a market place or a job. Often, vocational skills can be obtained through hands-on experience on the job. However, these skills may also be obtained at a […]
Export: a product that is sent to another country to be sold there..Read more
Feasibility study – What is a feasibility study?
Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats present in the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success. Read more
Cultivate. What does the word “Cultivation” mean?
To cultivate means to manipulate something or someone into a desired state of being. To give or bring culture to (a person, society, soil etc.). Read more
Innovation is the development of new values through solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in value adding new ways.
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The reason why good people hide their good deeds, fearing to show their generosity, and the acts of exchange, or giving into someone’s life, Its because they are concerned, that if they reveal their positive expression towards someone, Then that person will become a target for those people who possess the traits of envy and […]
The economic system-Asher-The month of Shevat:
The economical system is the system that is responsible for the modification of the buying and selling, exporting and importing of goods, and how it relates to the numerical art of economics. Read more
Economics–what is the meaning of the word “Economics”?
Economics is the astrological art of mathematics done via the counting of time, months and the numbering of days in year or on calendar, and how it relates to the human culture of doing work. Read more