Communication system
“Hippocampus” is the part of the brain which stores up memories.
Ecosystem – /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ noun – ECOLOGY Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. An ecosystem is a large community of living organisms – animism (plants, animals, seas, valleys, mountains, and microbes) in a particular area. Every living organism (animism) has a spirit, and all the spirits contained in those living […]
/ˈstəːrɪŋ/ adjective 1. causing excitement or strong emotion; to stimulate, rousing – to make angry or excited. To awaken someone from the state of sleeping. “stirring songs” To emotionally affect someone until you cause a behavioral change in his or her thinking or mindset. to move one’s hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through […]
Water has a memory; says the scientist
Scientist have discovered that water has a memory, and it has the ability to preserve historical events which have taken place in our enevironment
a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others. When a vibration occurs it produces forth a wave, and the wave will then play the role of moving that vibration’s energy from one place to another. Vibration means quickly moving back and […]
Suspecion is a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true. “she had a sneaking suspicion that he was laughing at her To base one’s feelings and facts on the suspicion which exclaims that; how one looked, responded and the expression of his appearance, can easily become the evidence of him or her […]