Education system
Adar the 12th month on the Hebrew calendar:
The 12th month on the Hebrew (God’s) calendar is called Adar.
“Adar” means “exalted”, “praised”, “power”, and “strength”. where it says: “the Lord is (Adir) mighty on High”. Read more
The word meditation comes from the Latin word meditārī, which has a range of meanings including to reflect on, to academically study, to chant a passage, to read out loud, to recite or to listen to someone attentively with a focused mindset. As one is focusing his thoughts upon what is he or she is […]
Narcissism -The meaning of the word Narcissism:
Narcissism is the psychological status that is embedded in young children and new born babies. It is the strong craving desire for attention. Babies cry to get the attention of their mother, even when they are not hungry, and they are capable of showing reactions of violence and tantrum towards other babies that seems to take their mother’s attention away from them. Reda more
Emotions – What does the word emotion mean?
The word emotions means; a state of feeling which takes place in within the human brain called limbic system, a conscious mental reaction which is stimulated or activated via the presence of energies or spiritual presence. Read more
Rational or rationalize:
Rational aperson who is understanding. being able to investigate an opinion before you condemn someone Read more
Psychology and Change:
Psychological development or changes. The Civilization in psychological changes is what enables us as human beings on earth to develop, to advance, to upgrade and also change in the way we think and do things. Read more
Humanism: What is humanism?
What is humanism? also called secular humanism
It posits that human beings are capable of being ethical, good and moral without religion or God Read more
The feasts of God on the Hebrew calendar.
The feasts of God on the Hebrew calendar. calendar, time table Jewish calendar hebrew calendar jewish calendar and it’s 12 months. It determines the dates for the biblical feasts written in Leviticus 23:1-44.
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Jubilee – released from restriction and debt:
The word Jubilee means to release someone from restrictions, debts and spiritual barrens or unfruitfulness. To free someone from a debt that he or she could not pay off…Read more
What is the meaning the word attribute as a noun? It means – quality or feature regarded as a characteristic, attributed qualities or inherent part of someone or something. Attributes like; Love, generosity, patience, forgiveness, kind, goodness, wisdom, understanding, faithful, benevolent, sincere, honest, submisiveness, understanding, loyal, truthful, trustworthy, obedience, dependable, humbleness, Galatians 5:22-23: But the […]