What is hypomania? But have you heard of “hypomania”? It’s a less severe form of mania. It actually may feel pretty good because your mood is up and you have more energy than usual, but it’s not out of control. The problem is that for someone with bipolar disorder, hypomania can evolve into mania. It […]
Sensual dance is the type of dancing which tends to arouse or stimulate the bodily appetites, esp. the sexual appetite. For example, Salsa, Bachata, Zouk and Kizomba often get branded as ‘sexual’ from some outside dance styles in North America. Overall, however, “Sexy”, “Sensual” and “Sexual” are usually defined as the following: Sexy: How someone […]
The bipolar which is related to hypersexuality leading to urges and cravings to engage in sexual activity. A ritualistic way of planning and acting out sexual activity A strong desire where one’s passion is attracted and drawn to different types of erotic dance or sensual dancing, which leads into the state of social interactions with […]
Judges 16:1: Samson falls in love with an immoral woman known as Delilah: [ Samson and Delilah ] Now Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot there, and went in to her. Proverbs 5:2-6 (NKJV) 3 For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; 4 But […]
Passion (Greek πασχω and late Latin (Christian theology) pati: “suffer”) is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or acompelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause; to enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; a strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a […]
intuition noun – the ability to understand something instinctively or via one’s feelings, without the need for conscious reasoning or filtering what one feels via the wise counsel of truth. To use feelings of suspicion as the source via which one uses to filter the reality of his or her decision making. “we shall allow […]
The word society means: social behaviors practiced in a community which eventually transforms into ideas, social media information, political policies, Televison shows, cultural activities, immoral or moral activities which has the ability to influence a society in the negative or positive way. An enviroment or region where the positive moral acts of the citizines enables them to (share, […]
The month of Elul on God’s, Hebrew calendar: Date: In the Evening of 22nd in the month of August 2017 will be the beginning (New Moon) of the 6th month called ELUL on the Hebrew God’s calendar. The beginning of the 6th month of Elul on the Hebrew (Jewish) calendar also commemorates the 40 days of fasting […]
Noun The definition of lewdness is the quality of being very sexual or lustful in an offensive way. An example of lewdness is asking people for sexual favors on the streets. Another example of lewdness can be; the act of possessing unrestrained passions of sexual desires, which leads someone into the state of flirting and […]
Noun amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. “his six-foot frame shook with mirth” synonyms: merriment, high spirits, mirthfulness, cheerfulness, cheeriness, cheer, hilarity, glee, laughter, jocularity, levity, gaiety, buoyancy, blitheness, euphoria, exhilaration, elation, light-heartedness, joviality, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, fun, enjoyment, amusement, pleasure, merrymaking, jollity, festivity, revelry,