Number 40 and it’s meaning:
The number 40 means; to reach the stage in which something or someone has fully grown in the reality of his or her spiritual essence. Read more
Social – Socializing:
Social refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms in within a given space or environment. Read more
The word “pleasure” derives from the root word called “Eden”, meaning; the place that puts the human mental state into a delightful, joyful…Read more
What is an Orgasm?
Orgasm; is the most intense point during sexual excitement, characterized by extremely pleasurable…Read more
Elul is the 6th month on the Hebrew calendar:
“Elul” is the 6th month on the Hebrew calendar.
The word “Elul” means “search” or “inspect”, alluding to the nature of our task during this month. The word “Elul” is also connected to the Hebrew word called “Tesjuvah”, meaning to return back to God. Read more
Entertainment system:
The sixth month called “Elul” on the Hebrew calendar represents the son of Jacob called Gad, this same month stands for the”entertainment system”. Read more
Fables; What is a fable?
The Hebrew word Teshuvah is usually translated as repentance. In fact, there is a well known prayer recited on the High Holy Days that Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah, translated as “Repentance,” “Prayer,” and “Charity” can avert (turn a way or turn aside) the evil decree. Teshuvah is better translated as “return” and signifies a return to the original state. Classically, Teshuvah is comprised […]
Erotic is a presence, art, behavior or moves that is carried out with the intetions of arousing someone’s sexual desire; dancers moving erotically, a movie which contains erotica energies or a persence of energies contaimning an erotic presence …
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