Military System
Politics – What is politics?
Politics is the art of science or western culture, which is used to design politicians (leaders belonging to different political parties). Read more
Justice – What is justice?
A court of justice; bring to justice, to cause to come before a court for trial or to receive punishment for one’s misdeeds: Read more
1st stage – Unto us a child is born: The first stage is the stage when a king is born as a child (which occurs unto us in the 3rd month called Sivan, on the feast of Pentecost, also known as Shavuot in Hebrew on God’s calendar). Luke 2:27-32 (NKJV) 27 So he came by the Spirit […]
Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a fictional, legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children on the night of Christmas Eve (24 December) and the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December). The […]
Why do you people do a lot of shopping during Christmas?
Christmas season always comes with the strong craving desire of shopping. Read more
Fuck – what does the word fuck really mean:
The word “Fuck” is mostly used as an expression of profanity, foul and vulgar language. Read more
Role model – who is a role model?
A person who plays the role of modeling or being a positive example to others.
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Obadiah 1:6-19 God’s prophecy against Edom being Esau
Obadiah 1:6-19 Edom or Esau shall be punished for his evil deeds against Jacob Read more
Esau is the father of Rome – Rome is Edom:
in so much as Jacob is considered to be the creator of the Children of Israel , it is Esau who is regarded as the forefather of Rome and the Roman Empire. Read more
A group of people who have come together to discuss the weakenesses and challenges of their home, family, community etc, with the aim of finding positive solutions to solve their problems. The constructing of positive genetic traits in a family or community via the practicing of compassion, forgiveness, love, understanding and the art of speaking […]