Military System
Description: Locusts are a collection of certain species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae that have a swarming phase. What is the meaning of the invasion done by a big number of locusts? The locust are a symbolic sign which reveals that; there is a spiritual warfare, (state of emergency and besieging) going on […]
The word Salvation originates from the Hebrew word called Yeshua.
The meaning of the word “Salvation” originates from the Hebrew word called “Yeshua” which means; He shall save, The Savior, or salvation. Yeshua or Yehoshua comes from the root ישע yod-shin-‘ayin in Hebrew, meaning “to deliver, save, or rescue..Read more
Is Jesus a pagan Name part 2 continuation:
In some places in the former Soviet Union, the name JESUS is spelled JEZUS, having come directly from the koine Greek. (Jesuits) promoted this false name, “Jesus”, using Greek and mixing in the new letter, J.
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Rational or rationalize:
Rational aperson who is understanding. being able to investigate an opinion before you condemn someone Read more
Kislev – The 9th month called Kislev and Its spiritual meaning:
The Hebrew 9th month called Kislev means; to depend upon whom you trust so that you may stand up against your conflicts…Read more
Democracy part2 Find out the ultimate purpose of democracy:
The Greeks wanted to erase God from the mind of the people via democracy
But their idea of Democracy was coming across an opposition that was also an insult to their intellect, and that was the nation of the Jews (Israel), which seemed to do things that claims; no! No matter how wise a human being becomes, still this human being is a creation of God, Read more
Democracy – What is democracy?
Democracy was a systematic movement that derived from the theory and the philosophical debate of the Greek empire in 5 th -4 th century BC.
Their main purpose for inventing this movement of democracy was to promote human rights which partains to humanism Read more
State of emergency:
State of emergency: puting a president or dictator with military skills into leadership…Read more
who was Adolf Hitler?
Free Mansons in America:
In the year 1730 the freemansons arrived in america from England…Read more