spiritual system
When a white person manages or succeeds to do something right, it’s because the black person has revealed unto him how it should be done. Black is for prayer and Revelation: Zephaniah 3:8-10: – Prayer warriors: “For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language (language of prayer), That they all may call […]
Passover; a celebration of freedom:
Passover is a Jewish celebration which commemorates the season of freedom.
During the season of Passover in the first month called Nissan (Abib) on the Hebrew Jewish calendar, God brought out the children of Israel from the captivity of Egypt (Mizraim). Read more
Free Mansons in America:
In the year 1730 the freemansons arrived in america from England…Read more
Ecosystem – /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ noun – ECOLOGY Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. An ecosystem is a large community of living organisms – animism (plants, animals, seas, valleys, mountains, and microbes) in a particular area. Every living organism (animism) has a spirit, and all the spirits contained in those living […]
What was the meaning of lighting the menorah during the time when God’s temple was still standing?
During the time when the temple of God was still standing, the priest of God who served in the temple used to take the olive oil pressed out of the olives, and used it to light the 7 branch lamp stand – menorah light, which gave light in the Tabernacle Temple.
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Light the Chanukah: What is the celebration of Chanukah all about?
What is the celebration of Chanukah all about? Chanukah is a Jewish festival which commemorates the lighting of the Chanukah menorah that takes place in within a period of 8 days. click here to read
Do good and good will always follow you. Do evil and evil will also follow you. Remember that every time you act, you release a kinetic energy which puts the same energy that you released into the state of retaliation. The thoughts we think about others, becomes the reflections of our words and physical actions […]