Omer counting day 37.
Discipline – Bonding (the Discipline/Vigor side of Bonding) Gevurah – Yesod in Hebrew.
Investigate the qualities of your Bonding and see if they enhance the attribute of discipline, because health bonding must acknowledge the need of giving space and a time of separation from those that you are bonding with.
The primitive part of the human brain – limbic system:
Every human being has an Intellectual (rational) part of the brain and a Primitive (emotional) part of the brain. The primitive part of the human brain is called the Limbic System, located around the Hippocampus and Hypothalamus areas. Read more
The intelligent cat:
The intelligent cat with an attitude
This cat will knock you out of you sit
The Limbic system
The limbic system (or Paleomammalian brain) is a complex set of brain structures that lies on both sides of the thalamus, right under the cerebrum.It appears to be primarily responsible for our emotional life, and has a lot to do with the formation of memories. Read more