Human trafficking – Movie.
Every day, women and children are enslaved – kidnapped or sold into sex-trafficking rings.
This is a tough, uncompromising drama about the brutal realities faced by some of them, and the rookie immigration agent who, with the help of her boss and his team, works to bust the ring she uncovers and get its victims to safety.
This emotional tale of survival and justice is a must-see, as it exposes the horror stories that could happen in any neighborhood – including yours…
This is a reminder for those you who are members in the Help and support group, who have not yet filled in the form and uploaded your photo to recieve your personal audio message.
The Lord is using this ministry so strongly in the realm of prophetic, vision declaration and in the eye of the seer.
For those of you who want receive a prophetic declaration over your life, receive words of wisdom, get an interpretation of a dream, prophetic advice and audios of empowerment, this is the page where you connect into your spiritual vision via the words of wisdom.
Click here to read more…
Conscious – consciousness.
Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. The state of being able to feel, see, hear and understand.
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Sexual intercourse activates the human conscious.
The Activities which stimulates and influences the human consciousness.
Moral sexual behaviors produces forth sexual energies which influences the human conscious in a positive way. Read more
React -Why do people react instead of acting?
To act in opposition to a force, energy or influence.
To emotionally respond with anger, fear, or unwillingness to cooperate.
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New Moon meeting – Month of Adar.
The beginning of the 12th month called Adar on the hebrew God’s calendar stands for the education system.
Adar; the 12th month on God’s calendars begins on the 10th of February 2013 Sunday evening.
Ejaculation is the ejection of semen (usually carrying sperm) from the male reproductory tract, and is usually accompanied by orgasm.
(The release of semen via the male genital). Read more
Evangelical Pastor who convinced his curch that his penis produces holy milk:
an Evangelical Pastor managed to abuse victims after convincing them that his penis contains HOLY MILK, so that they may perform oral sex on him. Read more
The history of witchcraft:
Nimod who built the tower of babel is also known for the spreading forth of the witchcraft ideas that derived from the som of Noah called “Ham”. Read more