The Schindler’s list- Movie.
Oskar Schindler is a vainglorious and greedy German businessman who becomes unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric Nazi reign when he feels compelled to turn his factory into a refuge for Jews.
Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. A testament for the good in all of us.
Movie: WALL•E
What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off?
After hundreds of lonely years of doing what he was built for, WALL•E (short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) discovers a new purpose in life (besides collecting knick-knacks) when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE.
EVE comes to realize that WALL•E has inadvertently stumbled upon the key to the planet’s future, and races back to space to report her findings to the humans (who have been eagerly awaiting word that it is safe to return home). Meanwhile, WALL•E chases EVE across the galaxy and sets into motion one of the most exciting and imaginative comedy adventures ever brought to the big screen.
Career – what is the meaning of the word career?
It can also pertain to an occupation or a profession that usually involves special training or formal education, and is considered to be a person’s lifework. Read more
Sony Music Entertainment:
Sony Music Entertainment is a large American music corporation owned and controlled by Sony Corporation of America, the United States subsidiary of Japan’s Sony Corporation. Read more
Tommy mottola Chief executive of Sony Music Entertainment.
Tommy Mottola, the co-owner of Casablanca Records and former chairman and chief executive of Sony Music Entertainment. also credited for signing and managing Micheal Jackson’s music career Read more
Tommy Mottola’s life inn the music industry prt1.
Tommy Mottola entered in the music scene in the mid 60s as a recording artist for CBS Records under the name “T.D. Valentine”. He headed Sony Music Entertainment. Read more
Mariah Carey’s First Husband Tommy Mottola Says He’s The Reason For Her Success.
Mariah Carey’s ex-husband, record executive Tommy Mottola — who she says was a “controlling” man who “mentally and emotionally” abused her during their four-year-marriage — is speaking out. Read more
They sold pork meat, and deceived the customers into thinking that were buying cow beef.
95.5 tons of fake fillet has been sold to customers in Sweden for almost two years untill recently when it was discovered that people have been buying pork meating instead of cow beef. Read more