What is stock, and how does it work?
The word stock in its simple terms means or refers to goods which is to be sold to customers, but also this word stock means inventory.
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Every physical thing is a product and commodity on the stock market.
In the science of economics and trading every physical thing (energies, plants, animals, lands, products, electrical magnetic fields and human beings), are possessions which belongs to the stock market, even time is stock on the stock market. Read more
Stock market; What is the purpose of the stock market?
The word stock market stands for; the legal right which enables the stock holders to be able to possess and influence the market of buying and selling. The ability to able to trade and exchange. Read more
Market; The meaning of the word “market:
And the other word is “market ” which means a place where commodities or products are sold and bought into the demanding needs of consumers and customers,…Read more
Audio – Conscious Audio News:
Minister Apostle Ngabo. Democratic violence will increase among people.
Listen to this audio message to find out which articles you can read to be enlightened & find out more about this message, click here…
Audio – 300 Army of Gideon:
Minister Apostle Ngabo. Democratic violence will increase among people.
Listen to this audio message to find out which articles you can read to be enlightened & find out more about this message, click here…
How do I turn God’s word into physical reality in my life?
When you write down God’s truth, speak it regularly to those that are close to you, practice the frequent act of speaking or prophesying the promises of God through prayer and to also commit your actions into the fulfillment of God’s truth, this is the process through which God’s truth will become reality into your life. Rad more
Audio Conscious News:
Why do people buy a lot of christmas presents during the season of christmas.
Listen to this audio message to find out which articles you can read to be enlightened & find out more about this message, click here…
Audio – 300 Army of Gideon:
Why do people buy a lot of christmas presents during the season of christmas.
Listen to this audio message to find out which articles you can read to be enlightened & find out more about this message, click here…