Audio Conscious News:
Minister Apostle Ngabo. Conscious Lifestyle Awareness.
Conscious lifestyle website is all about Becoming conscious of the things that unconsciously control and govern our life.
Finding out their purpose, motives and aim so that we can be able to readjust our actions and make decision that will benefit our lives in a positive way. Click here to listen…
Audio Conscious News:
Minister Apostle Ngabo. The world did not end on the 21st of December 2012, but still people are concerned about the future.
Listen to this short audio message to Find out which articles you can read to be enlightened & find out more about this date…
Bill Gates:
Is an American business magnate and philanthropist. One of the most wealthiest industrialist who discovered the microsoft software Read more
An Industrialist is an entrepreneur who has achieved wealth and prominence from a particular industry (or industries). Read more
Number ten is the attribute of God’s holiness or seed in a character that fulfils his principles.
Ten is a number that God uses top punish the evil system of merchandise trade in Babylon, Egypt or evil governments, but also number ten means tithe or tenth
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Number Ten; the meaning of number Ten.
Number ten means; the number through which the mechanism of a government, a kingdom, or a system is concealed, the attribute or process through which the physical realm is extended, exalted, traded or elevated into the spiritual realm. Read more
John D Rockefeller and he gained his wealth.
Rockerfeller was the richest man in history, he was the first Amercian to hit the status of a billionaire, a business man and an industrialist that knew how to invest his finances.
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The boy she met online – Movie.
When teenager Cami Winters falls in love, she falls hard. Her single mother, Tori, has no idea that Cami has fallen in love with a boy named ‘Jake’ she met on a social networking website.
Although Cami believes Jake’s a 23 year-old college student, everything he’s told her online is a lie…