27 people killed during the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school.
Authorities in Connecticut responded to a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown december, Friday morning
Police reported 27 deaths, including 20 children. Read more
Ouija board
contacting the dead and communicating to spirits via a talking board. The Ouija board also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, the words “yes”, “no”, “hello” (occasionally), and “goodbye”, Read more
Spiritual presence:
A Spiritual presence is a presence which is produced by a frequent behavior of engaging into the act of practicing spirituality.
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Spirit of the glass:
Spirit of the glass.Spirit of the Glass” is a method of divination and a form of seance contacting the spirits using a spirit board known as Ouija board and a glass to summon spirits. Read more
Industry of movie making criticized of spreading violence content.
Premieres for Tom Cruise’s movie called “Jack Reacher” has been postponed due to the incident that took place at the Connecticut Elimentary school. Read more
Hollywood honors the grieving season by postponing the release of their movies containing violence.
Hollywood postponed their movies containing violence, in hope that they will be revived after the grieving over the lost ones who died at the Elimentary school has passed. Read more
Conscious Lifestyle. To contact Conscious Lifestyle, fill in this form below. Name: Email: Country: Comments: Conscious Lifestyle; A Conscious life style; using our talents in a way that can uplift, enlighten, educate and positively transform our communities into a better and peaceful environment, on; www.clifestyle.org. Conscious Lifestyle, Phone +46 737 64 7350 or +46 […]
The Industry of Hollywood movie making criticized of spreading violence.
“We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn’t have a sort of influence,” Foxx said in an interview on Saturday. “It does.” Read more
Mayan predication about the 21st of december 2012.
21st December 2012 predication about the end of the world on the Mayan was wrong. Discussion about the predication of the Mayan calendar which referred to the 21st of december as the end of the world…Read more