Bacchanal celebrating Bacchus the god of wine.
Black:The meaning of the owrd black
The state of being very dark. Black color; the presence where all colors and their expressions is hidden or concealed.
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Why is it that dreams, night mares, wet dreams occur at night time?
Night time opens up the human ability called “imagination”.
Science has proven that Midnight (night time) is when the human imagination (third eye, pineal gland) becomes sensitive or wide open and ready to receive imagery that comes in form of oral spoken words, pictures, moving images and spiritual activities. Read more
Darkness or dark.Dark or darkness in the hebraic concept of Kabbalah means; the state in which secretes or hidden spiritual mysteries of life are concealed.It is also the appearance of black in a color space.
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Nght time:
Night or nighttime is the period of time between the sunset and the sunrise when the Sun is below the horizon. This occurs after dusk.
The opposite of night is day (or “daytime”).Night time is the period of time when the frequency of Nocturnal goes towork, the time frame when the unclean animals become more sensitive towards the nocturnal frequency. Read more
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The first world war
what caused the first world war? The first world war was caused due to the psychological change of the woman’s status. The first world war marked the time when the women who were limited to the kitchen and house work…to read the full article click here
War: What is the meaning of the word war?
The word “war” derives from the word called “warfare”. An inner conflict of anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, or the desire to revenge, turning into a physical reaction called “war”. to read the whole article click here