Revolution achieved via art:
Art is used for revolution and upholding the human rights of justice. For years art has been used to transform the human status of political control and abuse. Read more
The first foreigners in Uganda:
The first foreigners to arrive in Uganda were Arab traders in 1845. In 1862, John Hannington Speke arrived in Buganda followed by Grant in 1865, and by Henry Morton Stanley in 1865.PHOTO BY WORTHPOINT
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Business Poem:
If a person says; “I am business man or woman”, then that means he or she is able to turn his idea or talent into a physical product that can solve and fulfill the people’s need.
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Number nine meaning war, determination and commitment 9 number nine 9th month kislev
The military system:
The military system is well trained army force that plays the role of defending it’s nation...Read more
December is a season that introduces war into the nations:
There has been a lot of wars fought during the season of winter solstice (December).
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Benjamin representing the 9th month. number nine 9 kislev
What is the meaning of Number nine?
Find out the spiritual meaning of number nine,
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Sagittarius – the archer is the zodiac sign for Kislev
Sagittarius, the archer, is the zodiac sign for Kislev, the 9th month on the hebrew calendar which falls in the month of november or december…Read more
Drug Art gallery showing the negative effects of caused by drugs:
Roman Sakovich’s ‘Half’ Series Shows Before And After Portraits Of Drug Users (PHOTOS). A photo Gallery revealing the negative effect drugs does to the human skin. Read more