Article & photos:
Creative call painting the walls of blue house in Stockholm (Tensta).Artistes like Sir Tom Foolery Dubelyoo, Fahamu Pecou, from Atlanta and Saadia Hussain from the organization of Förorten I centrum in Stockholm shared their skills by painting the walls of Blå huset.
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Wild west
The making, the conquest of America, and how Holly wood used entertainment to mold the USA that we now know…..
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The principles of the law of the jungle:
The principles of the law of the jungle. the strong survive and weak will die… Read more
The Law of Jungle:
The law of the fittest, the strong survive and the weak will die.
“The Law of the Jungle” is an expression that means “every man for himself”, “anything goes”, “might makes right“, “survival of the strongest”, “survival of the fittest”, “kill or be killed”, “dog eat dog” and “eat or be eaten”, “kill only to eat, not from anger or sport”. Read more
The Canon Law:
The Roman Canon law is the body of laws and regulations made or adopted by ecclesiastical authority (Church leadership), for the government of the Christian organization and its members.
The Canon law consisted of Ecclesiastical Canons taken from a collection of ancient babylonian decrees and the rituals which derived from the worship of the sun god… Read more
Democratic violence and hatred will increase over the nations:
Democratic violence and hatred will increase over the nations. Read more
Zoophilia; having sex with animals:
Zoophilia. The having sex with animals, having sexual dreams with animals or non human beings zoosexual zoophiles zoophile betiality.
People who practice zoophilia are known as zoophiles, zoosexuals or simply “zoos”
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