news Twitter Removes Anti-Semitic Postings, French Jewish Group Says twitter
news U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks
What happened to barter trading after the invention of money?
Women’s time of Liberation:
The 21st of december 2012 begins the revolution of the women’s liberation. The liberation of the female attributes, enabling the women to overcome the male dominance of control, sexual abuse, the making of movies full of violence, women trafficking, degrading of womanhood etc, that psychological change, and Revolution, begins to take radical form from 21st december 2012. Read more
21st of december 2012 is a time changing the way we count time.
The 21st of december 2012 begins a new formula of time counting. 2012 a time psychological changes and development will occur, totally transforming how we think, behave and relate to each other. Read more
Antisemitism infiltrates into the Christian church during the regime of Constatine prt2.
The cross worshiped as a god:
Tamuz; the cross worshiped as a god. the cross T
This sign in form of a cross was used by the ancient pagan worshippers as a sign of reverence to Nimrod’s system and his son Tamuz.
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The early persecution of the Christian church:
The early persecution of the Christian church. persecution crucifixion killing of christian during the regime of the Roman empire. Read more
Solar calendar:
Solar calendar; the ruling of the evil male power.The time counting on a solar calendar follows the behavior of the solar system. Through the solar calendar, the ancient evil kings were able to expand their evil male dominance, system of trade, and kingdom over the victims that they conquered and enslaved. Read more