Women’s time of Liberation:
The 21st of december 2012 begins the revolution of the women’s liberation. The liberation of the female attributes, enabling the women to overcome the male dominance of control, sexual abuse, the making of movies full of violence, women trafficking, degrading of womanhood etc, that psychological change, and Revolution, begins to take radical form from 21st december 2012. Read more
Sun god – The origin of Sunday worship:
Sun god; The origin of Sunday worship. The sun worshiped as a god in ancient Egypt…Read more
sunday, sun god; the worship of the sun as god in the Christian church Catholic church Rome
The Roman Catholic Church and it’s aim.
Frequency is an energy which trasmits information:
A Frequency is an energy transmitting information
A frequency has the ability to transimitt ideas, information, dream, emotional feelings etc Read more
A constitution is a decree of laws which governs a nation, protects the citizens, promotes the human rights of the people, and also distributes authority to the different representatives that makes up a parliament.
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