Hebrew calendar, Hebrew counting vs the gregorian calendar.
hebrew calendar or Hebrew counting year 5773 calendar ad year
Swine – pig; The meaning of the word Swine or pig:
Swine pig; meaning A piglike character, swine behavior, or habits, as one who is gluttonous, very fat, greedy, selfish, or filthy. Scientific research has proven that pork meat contains parasites and toxic (toxins) Read more
A farmer eaten by his own pigs. swine, swines
Philadelphia Man Rapes Woman, Claims To Have Infected Her With HIV, rapist, rape
Calendar – What is a calendar:
A calendar is a system of organizing days, and feasts or festivals for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes.
The very first calendar that was used by man was a biblical calendar called the Hebrew calndar, which contained God’s 7th day of rest.
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Really! what is time? The meaning of time in Hebrew:In Hebrew the word time is connected to the Hebrew word called “Moadim”The Hebrew word “Moadim” means; appointed time or seasons in which offerings (talents, gifts, and tithes) were given unto God, read Numbers 28:1-2, Leviticus 23:4… Read more
Audio Message:
Yom Kippur- The day of Yom Kippur
Minister: Apostle A Ngabo
Teaching for the army of Gideon…
Love is the “Law” and “Respect” is the exchanging rate
Audio message:
Settle Accounts – Rosh Hashanah
Minister: Apostle A Ngabo
Teaching for the army of Gideon…
Audio Message:
Rosh Hashanah – The Edenic blessings
Minister: Apostle A Ngabo
Teaching for the army of Gideon…