How do I create an atmosphere of libido in my marriage?
Loss of Libido:
Loss of Libido (low of sex drive).
Loss of libido is chiefly characterized by a lack of interest or desire for sexual activity. Many women with loss of libido find that they are less in touch with their sexuality.
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Oral teaching or story telling:
In the ancient days when writing was not yet a common thing among people, parents used to pass on their customs and traditions into the lives of their children through story telling.
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How did Entertainment work during the ancient days of the Roman Empire?
The biggest part of the Roman colonization and conquest was influenced and brought into the realm of accepting and adapting the Roman’s way of living through entertainment. Read more
Entertainment; What is the meaning of the word entertainment?
How does fairy tale affect our present generation.
Fairy tale: What is a fairy tale?
Fairy tales and their purpose
Fairy tales are fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures which are created through the art of magic, and witchcraft and pagan oral story telling,
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Deity – What is a deity?
The word deity means: a small pagan god or goddess.
In the picture is the Egyptian deity.
the estate or rank of a pagan gentile god: A gentile king attained the status of a deity after his death.
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