New Moon – A season of prophetic break throughs and answered prayers .
Every month, in the beginning of a Hebrew month on God’s calendar, we enter into a season called New Moon,
also this same season being a season of answered prayers, spiritual conception and explosion of prophetic insight.
Communication: What is the meaning of the word – communication?
The word “communication” means; To share ideas, feelings, images and emotions with the people you love or care for. Read more
The three types of meat offerings; (burnt offering, sin offering, and the peace offering).
There were three types of meat offerings that were given to God during the existence of the tabernacle of Moses, the first Temple and the second Temple of the God of Israel.
The holies of Holy (Holiest of all).
The third level of God’s presence or relationship was the Holies of Holy.
The high priest was commanded to go into the holies of holy only once a year for the sake of atoning the sins of Israel.
Once a year on the day of atonement the high priest appeared before God (in the holies of holy, the place where the ark of the covenant was located).
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The ark of the covenant was a gold plated wooden box which was located in the Holies of Holy.
Inside the ark of the Covenant there was a bowl of persevered manna, the rod of Aaron and the two Tablets containing the Ten commandments that God gave to Moses on Mountain Sinai.
300 Army Of Gideon Vision:
The prophetic vision of the army of Gideon ministry.
The army of Gideon is a militant apostolic ministry with a prophetic strategy that God is using to combat spiritual battles through a parliament or a united body of apostles and prophets.
The Brazen Altar.
On the brazen Altar which was located in the outer court of the Tabernacle (the outer side part of the Tabernacle), that was the place where the Children of Israel were Commanded by God through Moses to bring their sacrifices of clean animals as offerings to be sacrificed on the Brazen Altar with four corners. Click here to read more…