Moses turned the spiritual concept of God into the written commandments of God.
Spiritual-pertaining to supernatural or spiritualists:
Situations that happen in people’s lives which pertain to spirits, spiritualism, or to spiritualists, demons, angelic, spirits etcThe word “spiritual” means; an event, situation, concept, idea, belief, energy or thing which is pertaining to, or consisting of spirit; Read more
Spiritualism – the meaning of the word spiritualism:
Spiritualism is the Metaphysics. Any of various doctrines maintaining that; the ultimate reality of the physical world, universe and all living organisms is spirit, and it derives from the spiritual realm. Read more
Evil dreams and unwanted nightmares where do they come from?
If you can change your mindset, you can also change the thing you do not like in your life.
The heat of the sun will expose who you really are:
In summer time when the sun reaches its highest heating point, that season is called “Tamuz” on the Hebrew calendar.
Heat (summer time) has the ability to reveal the hidden nature of a thing.
Summer time; – We are in the season of Summer:
Summer time is the season when the sun is at the highest pitch of its potential of releasing sun light energies or electromagnetic radiation into the earth. Read more