Vad är kreativitet?
Kreativitet är en förmåga som människor uttrycker genom konst, musik, dans, musikaler eller spoken word av olika slag…Läs mer
35 barnfamiljer tvingas flytta:
Det handlar om korttidskontrakt på lägenheter i Tensta…Läs mer
Vad är korttids kontrakt?
Korttidskontrakt är ett tidsbegränsat kontrakt på en lägenhet…Läs mer
Professional or profession:
A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a specified activity. Read more
Idea- What is an idea?
A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action: that which stimulates creativity or the human behavior of forming products. Read more….
Subconscious – What is the meaning of the word subconscious?
The totality of mental processes of the mind which the individual is not aware; which is stimulated by dream, cosmic energies, subliminal messages…Read more
Using the Jewish Kabbalah to tame the wild spirits of eroticism:
According to the Kabbalist, eroticism (sexual desire) and arousal begin in the mystical intersection of our heads (thoughts, imagination, dreams), hearts and souls.
Spirits of eroticism & the Jewish Kabalah of sex -eroticism:
The spirits of eroticism in the Jewish Kabbalah are the energies of Erotic which were present in the garden of Eden…Read more
Erotic art:
Erotic art covers any artistic work that is intended to evoke erotic arousal or that depicts scenes of love-making…Read more
The Afrikaner brother-hood:
Members of the Afrikaner Broederbond, was a grouping of 37 white men of Afrikaner ethnicity…Read more