The internet is liken unto the woman’s womb:
The technology mechanism of the internet system is a combination of these two words, ” mother and womb”, the word womb being “Tehom” in Hebrew. This hebrew word (Tehom) also means Earth, mother Earth, matrix or to mother. Read more
I dreamed a dog bit me on my bottom and would not let go, her owner was too afraid to pull her off me, I was able to get away.
The pain of the bite even woke me up from my sleep.
What is the meaning of this dream?
Why do i get a lot of Dreams and visions around the month of may-June and July?
Gymnasium (School) The word γυμνάσιον (gymnasion) was used in Ancient Greece, meaning a locality for both physical and intellectual education of young men..
The system of structuring Gymnasium schools spread foth from Greece, to Rome, and from Rome (being Europe) it was introduced to the different nations in Africa, Asia, North America.. Read more
Academy – Academic:
Academy (“Academic”); An academy (Greek Ἀκαδημία) is an institution of higher learning, research, or honorary membership. The Academy was a place of philosophical dialogues, where The western world learned their skills of leadership and oratory Read more
Rhetoric – a western way of making leaders
The western world (Europe) used the skills gained from rhetoric to mold themselves into political leaders, philosophers, scholars and academic teachers.
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Art: what is Art?
Art: What is the meaning of the word art?
Art is the state in which the mind is inspired and influenced by creative ideas.any field using the skills or techniques of art: read more
“Gymnasium” The Academy functioning as a Gymnasium.
The Academy was focused on the worship of wisdom, and he who teaches it. Due to this act of attributing wisdom to the human brilliance, the Greeks started to worship the naked human body. Read more