300 Army of Gideon prayer school:
300 army of Gideon – Vision
– Learning the prophetic strategies of prayer.
300 Army of Gideon is a school where God’s people learn the prophetic art of prayer.
In the 300 army of Gideon school of prayer warriors, God’s people learn the strategies and mysterious of prayer (learning how to activate their ability of successful and effective prayer stratagies). Click here to read more…
pharmaceutical drugs are made for making money and not healing diseases.
pharmaceutical drugs leading to crime and violence.
Drugs are being used in industrial nations to control people. pharmaceutical drugs used to increase crime, because crime is a way to eccelerate business...Read more
pharmaceutical drugs compared with herbal medicine
Pharmaceutical pills are poisonous and dangerous
Could cheating on your spouse cause a heart attack?
A new study by the University of Florence indicates that “sudden coital death” is more common when a man is engaging in extramarital sex or cheating on his spouse Read more