Without Internet, Urban Poor Fear Being Left Behind In Digital Age
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Penis god of Egypt:
Min the penis god was worshiped as the beginning of the season of harvest (which falls in spring time) in Egypt.
During this time the men became the phallus or penis that plants its seed (sperm) into every woman that lusts after their service.
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Japanise penis god celebrated in spring time:
The central theme of the festival is to celebrate the phallus also called the penis god, where candies, carved vegetables, decorations in the form of a penis are eaten, played with, carried around and celebrated. Read more
Spring time:
Springtime is a season which occurs after the winter season has passed, the season of spring takes place around the month of March and it goes untill the month of May.
Spring time; a season of budding, rebirth (being born into the mindset of accepting new ideas, adventures…Read more
People v. The State of Illusion – Dr. Joe Dispenza, positive