TVOT – benign avunda:
Benign avunda är den typ av avund som motiverar människor i handlingen att konkurrera, själv ego som leder till kärleken till pengar…Läs mer
Du kan aldrig ändra på ett problem du aldrig har diskuterat.
Du kommer aldrig att hitta lösningar eller lösa ett problem som du aldrig har diskuterat. Läs mer
– Kritiken som riktas mot SVT är relevant.
Det var en av åsikterna som kom från när SVT besökte Tensta i måndags kväll för att diskutera mångfald och representation. Läs mer
Prevent the war which is about to come – Prevention is better than cure:
There is a war which is a about to hit our global society, and this war will affect every single person that is on the face of the earth.
But the good news is that; you and I can prevent it from happening. Read more
The ten commandments:
The Ten Commandments, as contained in the Holy Bible, are a set of Laws handed to Moses by God on Mount Horeb… Read more
Covet – What is the meaning of the word covet?
To wrongfully desire something which belongs to someone else. Read more
Which month are you born in?
Below you can find out the different months on the Hebrew calendar which is God’s calendar, the meaning of the month or zodiac sign when you are born, which system each month represents and its Hebrew interpretation. Read more
Deuteronomy 28:1-13 – Blessings on Obedience:
And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God…Read more