Demokrati – Vad är demokrati?
Att ge frihet och makt till humanisk vilja, som upprätthåller de omorala sociala aktiviteterna. Läs mer
Envy -what is the meaning of the word envy?
To have a feeling of resentment, covetousness or hatred against someone’s success or blessings. Read more
The army of Gideon scool of prayer warriors:
Learn the hidden secretes and mysteries that will activate the spirit and anointing of prayer over your life.
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SVT is coming to Sweden says Tensta
Many people say that these changes have not been happening by chance, but it has been a cause through the influence of Moses who came into SVT from The Voice of Tensta.
Moses på Svt – Sveriges Television
All 4 one and one 4 all network.
Do you know that everything you need in life is just a network away from you? Read more
Alla för en En för alla nätverk.
Vet du att allt du behöver i livet är endast ett nätverk ifrån dig? Läs mer
Broadcast satellite:
Direct-broadcast satellite (DBS) is a type of artificial satellite which usually sends satellite television signals for home reception. Read more
TVOT – Avundsjuka – Vad betyder ordet avundsjuka?
Avundsjuka är en känsla av att vilja ha vad någon annan har. Läs mer