The Voice of Tensta i Berlin
The voice of Tensta fick äran att åka till Berlin
med Capoeira Angola Tensta under påsklovet i April 2014.
What causes the moon to turn red as blood?
The scientific discovery of astronomy that have studied the behavior of the moon, declares that; what human beings do on the earth plays the role of turning the moon into a bloody mooon…Read more
The pharmaceutical industry:
The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals licensed for use as medications. Read more
Video – Dennis from my life Dandora
My lifestyle dandora is a play which exposes how the street children in Kenya live a hard risky life of serviving on the street on their own. To watch the video click here
TVOT – socialt entreprenörskaps möten
Kommer att äga rum den 31:a maj på lördag 2014,
För att Läs mer
Health – what is health?
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. Read more
Pregnancy is not an excuse to get lazy – says mum who weight-lifted two days before birth:
The 33-year-old even lifted weights on the day she went into labour and broke records in the final days of pregnancy.Read more
Video – Marketing of Madness Official Trailer:
This short trailer video is taken from a three part documentary which exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal dangerous and often deadly sales campaign for selling pharmaceutical drugs. Watch the video now!
Forum – send private message:
When you send a private message, it is only the person you have sent it to who will be able to see it. Read more