Open mic fotbollsturneringen April 2014
Arbetsförmedlingen och merit anordnade en fotbollsturnering i Tensta,
The voice of Tensta (Conscious Lifestyle) och Tenstas framtid var på plats och vi körde open mic.
Dance Video – Benjamin Tagoe, EvE and Firediblackz – Conscious Lifestyle:
4×4 Mokoni – Afrobeat meet dancehall dance.
Afrobeat meet dancehall 4×4-MOKONI dance by @Eve @Rorie & @TagoeTime..
Entertainment – Artists and producers
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Unclean foods, unclean animal and unclean spirits:
Unclean may refer to: Unclean animals, Unclean food or Unclean spirits, which can cause diseases and sicknesses of different kinds (Leviticus 20:25-Matthew 10:1). Read more
Demonic desires fulfilled in the acts of human behaviors:
Find out how demons accessed their authority over humans, and how they are nurtured via human behaviors..Read more
The sharing of demons among humans.
When human beings engage into the act of having sex with each other, they also share the activity of energies or demonic forces which is related to their genetic inheritance. Read more