HC apostolic network
Become a member of Harvest church – Apostolic network by signing up below. Read more
Voodoo dancing:
in Voodoo dancing the Drums are used to make most of this music. The movements of the dancers and sounds (voices of singing, shouting, hamming), of the music can stimulate, ignite and excite the spirits of the dead and the gods…Read more
Voodoo – What does the word voodoo mean?
Voodoo Also called voodooism a religious cult involving witchcraft, zoophilia and communication by trance with dead ancestors, deities etc, common in Haiti and other Caribbean islands. Read more
Animism – what does the word animism mean?
Animism is a belief that says; there is a soul or spirit in every thing that exists in the earth. Read more
Personal finance which derives from the liberty of one’s true potential:
When planning personal finance people are starting to consider spending money on products that promotes human health, developing of a society or community from it’s state of poverty, and investing in philanthropic activities…Read more