Company; What is the meaning of the word “company”?
The word company originally taken from the Late Latin word companio “companion, one who eats bread with you”,. To join efforts together with the people you agree with. (People who share the same interests, working towards a certain aim or goal). Read more
To design a product according to the specific instructions of a customer.
(” I customized my interior of my car according to the way I wanted it, that is the reason why you can not find it any way else”). Read more
Business ads – Customer – What is the meaning of the word Customer
The word “customer” means; to customize someone’s behavior into the act of returning or coming back. (She always returns back to my business services because a treat her well).Read more
Video – Snoop Dogg Explains His Transformation Into Snoop Lion:
Lion on CNN tv Chanel talks about how he wants to give back to the community in a positive way. To Watch the vide click here
Work Towards Your Dreams and Make Your Dreams Come True, by Irenee Alma
” let go from were you are to be where you can be”
Either your dream is to be a public speaker or to loose weight you need to take action. What is your dreams, are you working toward to make them true?
Questions I asked my self and still do to discover and be in touch with my dreams. We all do have that in common, dreams we would like to make true but for many they just stay dreams.
TVOT – Onsdagar på Blå huset
Vi träffas varje onsdag på Blå huset från kl 17.
Där får du träning att stå på scen, spela teater, sjunga, skriva texter och manus mm.
Där får du också reda på mer vad vi gör och hur du kan vara en del av vad vi gör.
TVOT – Webb konferens rum
För att boka tid i webb konference rummet, kontakta The voice of Tensta, så vi kan boka en tid då vi kan träffas och prata live online i webb konferens rummet.
Det är viktigt att ni har ljud på eran data, gärna en kamera också, men det är inte ett måste.
!!! Du kommer att få login uppgifter efter tiden är bokad !!!
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The voice of Tensta, Tensta’s framtid,
Capoeira Angola Tensta och Jobbgaraget, presenterar open mic kväll med capoeira,
stand up opera och jamming kväll den 1:a November 2013,
klicka här för mer information…