Genesis 29:32
Leah Called her son Reuben….Read more
Media communication and social media interaction among adolescents.
The exposure to media has increased over the past decade, adolescents’ utilization of computers, cell phones, stereos and televisions to gain access to various mobile mediums of popular culture has also increased. Read more
Puberty – What is puberty?
Puberty is a period of several years in which rapid physical growth and psychological changes occur, culminating in sexual maturity. Read more
Bilder från Teater pjäsen Mitt Liv Tensta 2013 – Stockholm.
Datum: 30:e September- 11:e Oktober 2013.
Nytt för i år är Mitt liv Tensta, en 15 minuters föreställning som en “för pjäs” till My life.
Mitt liv Tensta är skriven av ungdomar i Tensta som handlar om deras vardag, hur de lever och får pengar och även hur polisen behandlar dem.
History of Uganda part 1 (with Honorable Joseph M Ssemwogerere)
“Honorable Joseph M Ssemwogerere” takes us through the true history of Uganda.
Adolescence or adolescent
The period of adolescence is most closely associated with the teenage years,
generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). Read more