Den elfte regeln om Jantelagen:
Enligt den elfte regeln I Jantelagen,....begränsa dem i sitt sätt att tänka och I sin kulturella kreativitet.
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The deeper explanation of the word “desire”.
Desires are known for stimulating the revolution of change in people’s lives. Read more
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Desire- What does the word desire mean?
Desire is a sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome. Read more
Don’t give up! Change comes after you have overcome your conflicts.
Life is a process where progress is achieved via the conflicts that a person confronts, as he or she progresses from one stage of life to another. Read more
Junk food – what is junk food?
Junk food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value or lacking nutrition and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Read more
Genesis 17:3-5 –
….your name shall be Abraham Read more
Ayaan och Deline intervjuades på Jobbgaraget
Ayaan och Deline intervjuades av the voice of Tensta- conscious lifestyle…Klick här för att titta på video