TVOT – Mitt liv Tensta och My life Dandora
Nytt för höstens turné är samarbetet med The voice of Tensta & Trygg i Tensta.
Sex killar och tre tjejer från högstadiet i Tensta kommer att bli ”för-band” till My Life Dandora/Nairobi.
Folk partiet på Tensta marknad 2013:
Video med Anna Katrin Åslund gruppledare och ordförande Spånga Tensta Standsdelnämnd Klicka här för att titta
Jobb garaget – Ricky Ricko Intelligente
Video – Han är en motivatör som använda teater för att inspirerar andra… klicka här för att titta
Messianic light part 1
The Messianic light was the Hebrew interpretation and the godly purpose why the constellations (Sun, moon, stars, planets) in the universe were created. Read more
300 AOG – How to do it – Forum
Find out how to ask questions and also post replies in the forum,
also how to read your messages and replies,
John 1:1-9 In the beginning was the word:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. Read more
Beginning – In the beginning:
Be·gin·ning noun bi-ˈgi-niŋ, bē- the point or time at which something begins : a starting point, the first part of something. Read more
John 6:63 – Spoken words:
John 6:63 – words i speak they are spirit and life Read more
A Word – a word is that which is spoken:
A word is a sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written.
something that a person says for the sake of activating an energy of stimuli. Read more