Social – Socializing
- September 11, 2013
- Posted by: admin
- Category: entertainment Entertainment system psychological Religious system spiritual system Uncategorized Violence
Social refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms in within a given space or environment.
Human Moral behaviors produces forth energies which leads to positive social interactions.
And human behaviors of immoral actions produces negative energies which stimulates negative social interactions in an environment.
The word society means: social behaviors practiced in a community which eventually transforms into ideas, social media information, political policies, Televison shows, cultural activities, which has the ability to influence a society in the negative or positive way.
Why do people socialize with others?
Some people socialize with others with the aim to add value, serve, share responsibilities, cooperate, find their soul mate, get married, barter trade etc,
But there are societies built on a social structures which promotes immoral behaviors that leads people into the deciptive acts of influenced by witchcraft, acts like; robery, corruption, rape, narcisism , love of money, racism, antisemitism, prejudice, and the negative aim of wanting to fulfil one’s selfish desires via their society.
The act of socializing, being friendly to someone or being good to someone is an act usually practiced as a gesture of welcoming someone.
To entertain a visitor, to make someone feel like is part of a certain group.
The western type of socializing:
In the western culture the act of socializing is done mostly by the members who belong to a certain club.
If a person is not part of the club (not possessing a certain professional or status in a society), then he/she can not be part of the club.
The western culture embraces democracy that is known for promoting immoral activities, activities which leads to the stimulation of negative intuitions,
while on the other hand; Godly moral instructions and princples are rejected and disregarded,
this has led to the generating of uncontrolable social structures in Europe which are breeding violence, disobedient children, intuitions, love of money, hostile behaviors towards religion, antisemitism, racism, etc…
This type of socializing has managed to spread from the western world to other parts of the world via colonialism and social media.
Whereas in the different cultures, socializing happens often among people, people socialize via the sharing of their goods, being friendly to their neighbors, visiting each other, invitations that brings people together for party celebrations, food sharing, interactions which occurs between humans and nature etc.
Socializing is a cultural trait which enables people to get together for the sake of encouraging each other, sharing, fellowshipping, exchanging, etc.
I joined the club (dance practice, gym, acting classes) to improve my social life.
Music festivals has a way of bringing people from the different walks of life into one united banner of social life.
Her sister is much more social than she is.
The term “social” is also added in various other terminology and academic sub-disciplines such as social media, social geography, social psychology, social anthropology, social philosophy, social ontology, social statistics and social choice theory in mathematics.
Article written by Ap Ngabo for conscious lifestyle. the inte